Mandili Ensemble & Nato Tsiklauri
Directed by Nato Tsiklauri, Mandili Ensemble was created in 1996 in Tsinubani. Nato grew up singing with her parents and siblings¹ in Zemo Kedi. She later moved to Tbilisi where she attended the Zakaraidze Music School and graduated from the faculty of choral conducting. Mandili Ensemble is just one example of Nato’s tireless work over the years teaching panduri² and singing in an effort to keep Georgian folk music alive.
Ensemble members at the time of recording: Nato Tsiklauri; Guram Beridze; Rusudan Korkotashvili; Liana Tsiklauri; Tsiura Kutibashvili; Nino Zakaidze; Leila Zakaidze; Mari Gavasheli; Khatuna Mdzeluri; Nato Gobejishvili; Tamar Popkhadze; Tamar Goglodze
To hear another artist from Tsinubani, visit the page of Mariam Chincharauli.
¹Nato’s sister Maqvala Tsiklauri is a fine musician who lives and teaches in Zemo Kedi, where they were born. Maqvala’s recordings can be found on her own page, and recordings of the sisters singing together can be found here, with Mandili Ensemble.
²A three-stringed, fretted lute common in all regions of northeastern Georgia. The instrument is most frequently used to accompany ballad singing. Read more about the panduri here.