Zemo Alvani
Meri Jikhoshvili
A Tsova-Tush woman born and raised at the foothills of the Tusheti Mountains in Zemo Alvani, Meri works at the local club and is a member of Keselo Ensemble. Meri has a wonderful sense of humor and is extraordinarily musical. Attracted to the garmoni¹ at a young age, she has enjoyed playing and singing songs in both the Bats and Georgian language ever since.
Please visit UNESCOs Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger to learn more about the Bats language. For more information on the Tsova-Tush, as well as other minority groups in the Caucasus, visit Batsav, an informative website created by A.J.T. Bainbridge.
To hear other artists from Zemo Alvani, visit the pages of Nino Arindauli, Patima Bartishvili, Tsovata Ensemble and Keselo Ensemble.
¹ A button accordion that originated in Russia and plays an important role in the musical tradition of the Tush in Georgia, as well as in other regions throughout the Caucasus. Read more about the garmoni here.