Zemo Alvani
Nino Arindauli
Born and raised in Zemo Alvani, Nino is one of the youngest living speakers of the severely endangered Bats language (also referred to as Tsova-Tush). She plays the garmoni¹ and sings songs in Bats.
To hear more songs in the Bats language, visit the profiles of Meri Jikhoshvili, Patima Bartishvili and Tsovata Ensemble.
Please visit UNESCOs Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger to learn more about the Bats language. Read more about the Ts’ova Tush and other minority groups in the Caucasus at Batsav, an informative site created by A.J.T. Bainbridge.
¹A button accordion that originated in Russia and plays an important role in the musical tradition of the Tush in Georgia, as well as in other regions throughout the Caucasus. Read more about the garmoni here.